Prayer for my son

by Maria ()

Lord my son has dealt with drug addiction for many years. He has been in jail on and off too. He got out of school. From honor student and in football, to drug addiction. Four years ago while in jail he got very sick and they did not take him to the hospital. By the time they took him he had sepsis and his kidneys shut down. He almost died. Now he is back in jail but he needs to go to dialysis. They take him to dialysis, but water collects in his stomach. He needs to go every week to hospital to get it out and the jail will not take him. Right now he is super sick and under a lot of pain. Please help me Lord. Please forgive my son for all his sins. Remove his addiction and cover him with your precious blood from head to toe for a complete healing. Give him new kidneys and please, please remove the pain he is in right now. I rebuke Satan from him and the hold he has had on him all these years. Holy spirit please take over his life and change him.

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