by Nathalie ()

Lord, thank you for being with me since I started this business “ND IPHONES AND ACCESSORIES”. Lord I am very sorry if I cannot fulfill some of the people who needs my help and I know Lord God you saw everything I am facing and every battles that I had. Lord today, I really ask your help to cover me and protect me. Someone from the government is attacking me and they want me to pay a huge amount of money so they will not report me in court even I did not do illegal doings just because I use a temporary receipt. I know they only want money and tax because they taught that I have huge amount of sales. Lord you know what I am doing and you know how much is my profit because all of the products is consignment. I always pay the supplier even I dont have any sales daily. Even my own money I already give to my supplier. Lord give me some instruments that can help me to face the problems. Im very stress right now. Help me Lord! Don’t let our business closed from the wrong people. Thank you Lord always! 🙏🏻

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