Prayer for God’s Gifting

by Brandon ()

When I was growing up, and even as of recent, people are knowing me for my computer technical knowledge, but as the days grow long, I am coming to discover from several events, and leadership guidance, that my gift God has given me seems to be in public speaking. Today, I decided to put that to the ultimate test of faith, in wanting to grow in that gift, after an experience where speaking to the homeless seemed to go wonderfully after confronting Jesus what I should do. (My plan would have never worked, but Jesus’s plan did) In a step of faith, I decided to make an account in which I will be posting to the world the love of Jesus Christ, something that I have been told has been gaining serious traction despite only being 1 year in active faith. (My 1 year anniversary at 12:10 PM is on November 9 of truly surrendering myself to Christ in it’s entirety)

My prayer is this. I want to allow God’s gift into my life. Not being a guy fixing computers that always break and living in the flesh of material things, but rather living in the ETERNAL and showing the world that someone could go from homeless and hated to loved and blessed and that God knows his timing. I want HIS will in my life. Did I work for a lot of this computer knowledge? I did. But that’s exactly the problem. I WORKED FOR IT. God has a GIFT. He has something that requires no work on us. He did it all, and he paid the price. I want to share to the world HIS will. Not my own. I want Jesus. I want his will. Please pray for me unlocking that in his love, not by force, and on his timing, and helping me be a vessel for HIS will and creation not my own. I am tired of my addiction to computers, I can try to use it for his will, but in the end, I want to speak publicly. I want to be in person helping others and ministering to them.

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