Please Pray This Prayer With Me

by Donna ()

Dear Father God —
I ask for your blessings and your abundance in my life. I ask that you take away the hardship and pain and suffering that I have experienced both recently and for so many years. I ask that you help me pay my rent and bills and that I have enough food to eat. I ask you for a vehicle so that I have proper transportation. I ask you to help me to obtain a proper education and the degree I seek in the field that you have chosen for me so that I can find good employment and business success in the career you want for me. I want to help others. Both human and animal – your children and your creatures and your earth – all your creation. I cannot do that if I am consistently broke and am swirling around the drain of destruction. I believe. Help my unbelief. Thank you for the employment I currently have. I hope it is enough. Thank you for the various job interviews, thank you for the school I applied to and the subsequent interview. Please give me the funds to go there. If they are student loans, then please find me a way to pay them back or pay them back for me. Please heal me, take away the illness inside of me, heal my hands and feet and whole body. Let me be strong, healthy, free of pain and disease so that I can do your will, Lord. Give me a home of my own and land for your creatures Give me success in my financial and business endeavors. Give me a husband – one that you choose that is right for me – someone who is after your heart. Heal my family – heal our relationships. Please make me as important to my children and their spouses and my grandchildren as they are to me. Bring me trustworthy, compassionate, loving, and helpful friends – true friends. And make me the same to them. Please give me joy and hope and love and safety and peace. Thank you for everything you’ve done, are doing, and will do. Please help me and soon.

Please also bless my family, my friends, my church, the people I work with, and the people I will go to school with. Bless your dear creation – wildlife, especially endangered animals, their habitats, plants and trees, the oceans, the land, everything that is your creation, and your people in Israel, and all believers everywhere. Bless all these and keep them.

In Jesus’ Holy Name,

PS. Thank you so much for praying my prayer with me. May God bless you richly for doing so.

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