Please don’t let me loose my job

by Conchata ()

Please say a prayer 🙏 for me I’m I’ve been clean for months now working at Walmart got my own place moved away from everything and everyone alone focused on me, long story short this girl who I was in my addiction class with started working at Walmart with me and has been telling everyone all my personal business about my addiction I’ve heard from several people well another person came and told me and i went up to her didn’t touch her just told her to keep my name out of her mouth that’s all so far this I got suspended I have bills due ,rent!!! This will really set me back, I’m truly sorry for my response but it really got the best of me it was so out of my character I just didn’t think lord but please pray I don’t loose my job and they allow me to come back it’s been a week now I’m going up there tomorrow and find out what’s going on please pray I’m not fired

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