Ongoing Marriage Conflicts

by Bee ()

Dear Lord, You know the details of our marriage and the many areas my husband and I are struggling. Heavenly Father, I know You’re here with us and our tests will become testimonies. I pray that my husband’s heart is softened and that He give every area of His life to You. I pray that he opens his heart to the possibility of couples therapy as we keep having the same arguments and fights over and over again. I pray that he can love unconditionally, become selfless, see our marriage as team work, and have an encouraging character instead of critical and conditional. Please help him grow in His relationship with You so He can lead and love our family the same way You lead and love the Church. Fill me with never ending peace and patience through this rough patch and show many any areas where I can also improve and serve and love selflessly. Help me to stay steadfast as I’m starting to lose hope in our marriage. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

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