No Tomorrow

by Mari ()

After 12 years of incessant prayer, my life situation has only gotten worse. I’m getting older and I’m totally alone. Family have all died and my friends have either died or disappeared somehow. My only child moved 11 hours away but unsure of his future plans, so I can’t sell my home and move there. My prayer was a simple one .. just for God to please send a friend into my life. It was not a big request so I don’t understand why He couldn’t have answered it. I tried so hard to find friend(s) on my own. Nothing ever worked out. Health issues prevented me from doing volunteer work, or going out much, so I have been basically stuck at home. I live in a void, day in and day out. All days are the same. I’m invisible to the world. Maybe my prayers were not answered because there is no answer. I should accept that this is my life until it’s over. If anything I’ve written here is worthy of anyone’s prayer, I will appreciate it.

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