I’ve been in a spirtual warfare with my son since he was 8 yrs old, he will be 20 next month. I’m exhausted! I’m really exhausted! It seems as if, everytime I think it’s turning around for us it’s always something. I’m in need of prayer. I’ve been really going through it. Everything has progressed with him. I don’t know what else to do. We’ve been to different doctors and counselors for the last 12 years. He was so motivated very smart, excelling scholastically. Now he is in college and failing for the last year and half. He is on the verge of flunking out. He was removed from his dorm room, because of the way he was urinating on the beds and not cleaning it up. He doesn’t listen. He continues to do all these things. Wetting the bed, overeating, not taking care of his diabetes, lying excessively, OCD-stock piling water bottles filling them up, not keeping his hygiene up, he doesn’t like to bathe nor brush his teeth. He has a enormous dentist bill due to the condition of his teeth. He is very obese now. There is just so much I’ve noticed over time. Now every area of my life is being tested. I’m crying out, I’ve mentally and emotionally doing it on my own.