My Life Purpose

by Ashlene ()

Dear Heavenly Father

Today my prayer request is to start doing something purposeful with my life, at this point i feel so stuck. I am busy with all the wrong things and entertaining all the wrong people, struggling with addiction and i feel like a complete failure in life. I am 37 years old, no kids and never been married. I’m struggling on both those issues too. My Lord most days i feel like i am useless on this earth and that everyone just tolerates me but nobody really loves me or care if i am there or not. I pray you remove these negative feelings because i know the enemy wants me to feel this way but i trust in You Lord and Your will for my life. Please help me to overcome all of these issues, help me to become more focused so that i at least achieve one thing this year which is my license. Please Heavenly Father take my hand and lead me towards better and greater. I know i have all the potential but i feel that it’s too late for me to have all these things i deserve. In three years time i will be 40 and i have not achieved anything in life yet because of my own foolishness. I am also stuck in a dead end job and it’s not that i am not grateful but i need a better paying job so that i can afford a better life for myself and move out of my father’s house which is becoming a depressing place to live. So i trust You Lord for a much better job with all the benefits i need and a good salary as well. Please move me my God please!!! Hear my cries. My Lord today i beg for change, for help from above to be strong to make these changes. Also keep me strong and focused and humble. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen and Amen

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