Lord keep her and our children safe while I go on this journey with you. I need her to find you full heartedly as I have. I always need you to help us be parents of love and kindness, while not beingina relationship together. I’ve tried for 10 years, I made alot of mistakes and bone-head decisions and I accept all of what I’m reaping. But I turn to you full heartedly and seek the path you want me on, I seek the unique man you made for a purpose. I want the kids to know youjust as I know you, and I pray that my kids mom knows you as well. I ruined relationships with my parents and me and my dad. I forgive myself but I need help forgiving my dad and my kids mom. And I know you can help, and you are the only way I need to go. My mom has a test and gets her results today bewith her and make her know I’m thinking about her and I love her with all my heart. In Jesus name I pray AMEN.