
by Carol ()

Lord you’ve given me another day. Thank you. I have beautiful children a grandson a great new career when I was struggling with my now ex who took everything from me. I have a good friend at work but I isolate ruminate. I trust no one anymore even down to the chronic complaing tenant downstairs that cries to the new landlord now. I was happy here. I still love where I am but at their age a baby on the way they should be finding a new place not me at 65 who can’t retire who doesn’t qualify for any type of housing and the rents are outrageous and screening they now want your credit score to make at least 3 times the rent in income not to forget first last and security deposit. I know you have me and are with me. Please keep Kim and I out of trouble not cause trouble and Kim to be more considerate in these dealings. Please keep me sober I have no family they’re with you. Since my nephew’s wedding I’ve heard nothing from him. Please let Jr get the national grid job

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