
by Jane ()

My friend Alexander needs help. He is depressed and lives in an atheist house. I really need money. I need a TikTok account which works. I need a family.I can’t pray. I need to read the Bible and I have a strong spirit of atheism on me. Please help me. I don’t know if I should be on TikTok or not. I want to be a famous actress. I also want Jesus, to be obedient, holy, clean,
Read the Bible, pray more and have a family in Christ, a husband and kids. Please can I have a baby now. I can’t stop coughing. I need help with AP. She put a big curse on my life and my family. We are all suffering as a result. I need help with my visa please and border force issues. I need compensation and money please for my life. I have breast cancer. Please can you pray. I’m being bullied by my boss. I have Persistent irritant cough in throat so can’t sleep and need to.I am homeless. I have a really bad sore throat, constant coughing, infected chest infection and dark yellow phlegm, I can’t sleep and need help to go to sleep now before my housemate wakes up. I’ve only slept 3 hours and I’m really sick. I have 4 bulging discs and disc degeneration.
I have tinea inbetween my toes and infected toe nails also. I am having a terrible time with my flatmate. I forgive him. He gave my food to his girlfriend.

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