I need help with everything

by Nicole ()

Hi. I’ve been really struggling. My husband passed away last year. Since then, I’ve been looking for a new job, a new city, new friends… a new life. We had to move around a few times to stay employed during the pandemic. I’m currently in a very small town, working for a board with very entitled people. They are rude, condescending, and purposely exclude me from everything. I’m heartbroken, depressed, tired, and completely lacking creativity. I feel like my soul is being sucked out of me. I’ve read so many job descriptions that I’m just burnt out on it. I’ve had several Zoom and some in-person interviews, but so far nothing has panned out. I have a few irons in the fire, but it’s taking a LONG time for people to make decisions. Meanwhile, I’m floundering. I’m a singer, but there are very few opportunities here. Just… have no real friends here (except my dog), was sort of seeing a guy, but he’s ghosting me (that’s a thing!?), still working to sell my husband’s sound equipment (900 square feet of it!), and it’s just been exhausting. I have a hard time getting out of bed, and a hard time focusing on my soul-sucking job. My boss is a control freak, micro-manager, and I do NOT need that. I know much more about my job than he does. He’s not qualified. Please, I know I’m rambling… as you can see I need prayer. I need hope for a future. I feel lost, but I know God is with me. It’s just… what is going on??? I’ve been praying my face off! Please… join me???

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