I am alone and will be out of income soon.

by Peggy ()

I had to quit working because of heart failure, anxiety and emotional distress. I have a retirement, but it is diminishing quickly with only a few months left and I have no one to help me. I have been praying to Jesus every day for his help and mercy although I am not sure I deserve it because I am just learning how to love and appreciate him, I ask that you please pray for me to love and trust him more every day. I enjoy reading about him living in so many hearts and minds and I want and need that faith desperately.
I was married for thirty six years and my husband like his father and brother had continual affairs. Yet I still believed in us as a family and sadly I still loved him. Our children deserved a family. The last few months before I left, our kids were then adults, I could not take it anymore because he was coming home telling me about a barroom dancer and her 12 year old son and that he would go to her house to spend time with them when the son came home from school every day. He also lost three jobs in less than 18 months, I had done all the research and applying for each job for him. He was diagnosed as Bipolar once he agreed to see a psychiatrist. We had to use his 401K to make ends meet and mental treatments once our insurance expired.
After all the turmoil for so many years I just need security and peace of mind. I live alone and I am so scared. Please pray Jesus will have mercy on me. I need him in every way. I need your encouragement. Thank you for your prayers.

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