by Cher ()

Thank you Father that you always hear and answer prayers, keep my daughters in your care as they will be facing teens very soon. Point them in the right direction for answers (toYou) as they will have questions. Thank you for the Godly husband that you have for me, I know he will be coming soon and we wont miss each other. He’ll come when you are finished and it will be good. Thank you that the $ owed to me, my daughter and friend is on the way very soon. Thank you for keeping S and baby in your healing hands always. Thank you and Holy Spirit for staying with my great nephew, mother and grandma and family in this trying time. Thank you for answred prayer for my houseguest, she will be moving on soon. Thank for letting me know if i will be moving in with my sister or moving back to my own place soon, please give clarity. Thank you for yesterday, you pulled me through as only you can. AGTG! Answwer soon for these prayers lifted unto you. Amen

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