Help me pay

by Katrina ()

God you are almighty and powerful. You are bigger than my student loan debt. Bigger than financial companies and worldly governments and bigger than satan. God forgive me of taking loans to pay for school. I was taking too much to pay for my youth livelihood and paying for selfish things and and now I have a large amount of debt and high interest. Im disappointed in myself and disgusted with my poor decision making.

Please help me pay this debt. Please don’t punish my husband for my bad choices. Help me pay this debt. I want debt cancelation and I want to be freed from this debt. I want a clean slate and I want to move on with my life. you promised me prosperity and joy and peace, I declare it in the name of Jesus.
You said ask and you shall relieve, I declare to be freed from my student loans in Jesus name.

You are a god of forgiveness and mercy and I trust you god. Please help me pay.

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