heal my love from gout and gout pain overnight

by Swati (IN)

dear Jesus, savior of the world, creator of heaven and earth please hear my prayer, give ear to my prayer, I need your intervention your help, your blessings, grace on my love derick D’souza. he is suffering from immense pain of gout please heal him take away all illness and disease from his body. Touch his body, his swelled feet, knee and painful body with you Neal pierced hands and wash away all the wounds, diseases with every drop of your blood which you shed for us sinners please Jesus bless my baby, my love with good health and heal him today. accept my prayer and touch his body. in the name of Jesus! amen!!

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3 comments for “heal my love from gout and gout pain overnight”

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  1. Heal my painful Gout

    Lord in the name of Jesus, I am suffering with Gout in my big toe and it’s very very painful. I have been suffering from chronic gout off and on for months now. Lord, I pray for a break through with this painful nuisance that keeps coming back and tormenting me. I feel like I am in hell and I ask Father that you take me out of this hell and heal me of this painful Gout in Christ name. Grant me a blessing, an annointing and a healing touch. Please Lord. Rebuke me of this gout I ask you. In Jesus name. Amen.

  2. Heal my painful Gout

    Lord in the name of Jesus, I am suffering with Gout in my big toe and it’s very very painful. I have been suffering from chronic gout off and on for months now. Lord, I pray for a break through with this painful nuisance that keeps coming back and tormenting me. I feel like I am in hell and I ask Father that you take me out of this hell and heal me of this painful Gout in Christ name. Grant me a blessing, an annointing and a healing touch. Please Lord. Rebuke me of this gout I ask you. In Jesus name. Amen.

  3. Hugh

    Prayer of agreement all of our gout to go and the body to get rid of all access acids that cause it

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