
by Mary ()

Thank You Eternal Father for all that you do. For both good and the things and times we see as bad.Thank You for the joys and tears. thank You for happiness and pains. thank You Lord for the joy in my heart at this moment. Thank You for the times You are silent over some of my requests like the one concerning my friend Askim because I know You will give me reasons for joy about this soon. Thank You for the hard times that have drawn me closer to You that I am now gradually growing in wisdom and knowledge mostly of You. Thank You for Your plans for me and where You are taking me in all these. Thank You for my relationships and the wise and appealing words I say to my friends, family and those around me because of Your presence in my life, Your guidance and gift of the Holy spirit. Lord, I thank You for what You will do concerning me and my friend Askim because I know You are planning something good for us and we will have cause to give glory to Your name. Thank You for Your many and millions of blessings in my life and those in my life, especially the ones I am not cognizance of. Thank You for Your unlimited and divine protection. Thank You for all round grace about me and anywhere there is thought of me or my name is mentioned. Lord I am very grateful. A thousand write up is not enough to thank You. Blessed be thy Holy name In Jesus Mighty name I pray Amen!

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