Freedom From All Debt

by T ()


I need for you to join with me in prayer to be completely free from all debt.

Because I took a stand for the L-RD and what is right, I no longer have a job.

The adversary has attacked my finances through delays. Right now, my rent is two months behind and my other bills are a month behind. The money should have been here on June 30th, but there has been delay after delay.

The person that was supposed to come to me, has been delayed. He is fighting a battle in his mind. He has been under the serious bondage of the devil since 2018. However, God has a purpose for his life that will have a global impact and the devil is trying to destroy it.

This man’s name is TL. When we prayed together in 2019 and 2020. We saw God do great things. Then, the devil attacked T’s mind again.

When T’s mind is under attack, he starts to feel unworthy and insecure. This leads to him drinking or withdrawing emotionally. He tries to do what is right, but he is not strong. He is still a spiritual baby. He is still learning about the L-RD.

However, God has been merciful and through his grace has still worked through T in spite of the limitations.

Every year since 2007, God has used me and T to have a global impact in the realm of the spirit. Each time, the devil has attacked T and caused major setbacks.

It’s beyond time for this to end. Right now, this attack on T is holding things up. There is much work to be done, and T needs to get moving. There is no more time for procrastination. God called T when he was 34. He is now 51. That is how long that the devil has had this man’s mind and emotions in bondage, and has thwarted the purposes of God through him.

T wants to be free. He just doesn’t know how to be free. He needs deep intercessory prayer on a higher level to break this captivity over his mind.

Once this man is free, God will use him to do many great things. In fact, we are a team and the devil is holding up progress through his attack on T. This must end now.

T hold’s the keys to many things and he needs to get moving forward now. The L-RD has already prepared a place for him, but his mind is not clear enough to see it.

As for me, the battle right now is centered around money. I have everything that I need. I just don’t have the rent money or the money to pay the bills. The battle is centered around physical money.

This is where the adversary is attacking me, because not having money means that I will have to focus on something other than putting God first.

What I mean is this. Look at all the people who have money, but do not have God. They have focused on putting money first. When my job asked me to do what was wrong. I refused, my focus was on putting God first, and not just doing anything under the sun for money. Therefore, I no longer have that job.

The landlord contacted me yesterday and said that she is bringing a notice today. I need for God to move in this situation quickly because it’s almost time to pay the rent again.

Through my prayers and intercession the Devil’s kingdom has suffered a lot of loss on a global scale. The adversary has attacked me on a grand scale for this damage to his kingdom. There have been times when the Holy Spirit has told me not to leave on a certain day because death was waiting for me.

I’m an Intercessor but I need help in prayer now for my own needs. Therefore, I am coming to you to ask you to pray with me and for me. Thank you.



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