Please pray for my family and I. In January we were told the house we had been leasing for over 7 years was going to be sold and they were not going to renew our lease on June 1, 2024. There are 7 of us. Myself, My daughter, her husband, their two youngest children and my grand daugher (their oldest) and her husband all share this house. It is a large house. I have called every place I could find to get some help and none of us have any money saved and our credit scores are not very high. We had used our credit cards during covid to get by and are just finishing paying them off. Please pray that we find a house in this school district so the boys are not uprooted from their school (the oldest one is slightly Autistic and it is already taking a toll on him. I will be 75 at the end of this month but they say I make too much money to get help and I do not make enough to buy a house. My mind is a whirl, I am not sleeping well and it is affecting my health. I feel lost and alone. Most all of my friends have already passed so there really is no one for me to talk to. I do not want to burden my children because I know they are already worried, do not have any extra room in their homes for us and no money to help us. I wish I could just get rid of this fear that I feel every morning when I wake up. I know it is not helpful. I know that God has the answer. Maybe I just do not know how to pray.
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