Divine Providence

by Timothy ()

Dear Lord,
I trust you. By your grace, to this point in my life, I’ve been able to do so many things. I’ve been faithful dear lord, in so many things that you’ve been giving me to do. You know by the power and grace you give me, I work really hard and I enjoy doing the work that you put before me. You created me with that desire, to work, to provide, to go and to conquer in small ways. The past months and weeks have been tough. You know my pain, you see it and you feel it. The people around me may not always be conscious of it but you are always. I’m hurting dear lord and I’m afraid I’m gonna destroy myself and the beautiful relationships around me. I’m so afraid of that. I have a deaire to work father, please I’m begging you, provide me with employment and a spruce of income. I’ve struggled so much financially in my life. I’m not asking you to rain money from heaven. I’m asking that you provide me the means. Work will be one the biggest blessings to me, even though there’s already been so many, countless blessings. I have this deep desire not just for selfish reasons, so I can be able to provide and to protect, like you created me to, to show your glory and fulfill your will. Dear Lord, if you could do it this very moment I wouldn’t be so grateful. But even if you don’t, please father give me the strength and the courage to wait, patiently and not lose the trust that I have in you or the confidence and love of the people around me. Help me not to get lost in my own thoughts. Teach me that my worth is in Christ,not in the job that I have or in this moment,don’t have. Teach me to wait and give me the power to do so and be grateful. And when this blessing does come, I pray you give me wisdom to use it to the glory of your kingdom. To you be all glory.
In the name of Jesus Christ,Amen.

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