Deliverance from fear/anxiety

by Kristina ()

I pray for freedom from oppression in the form of creeping fear, depression and nocturnal panic attacks. I’m praying for the life to it’s full as You promised. At the moment my life feels limited and I feel robed of joy and healthy sleep. I stay up sometimes for 24 hours at a time. When I start praying for my deliverance, my mind gets bombarded by the thoughts of defeat, I hear in my mind that God is fat and can’t help, that this is how my life going to be and only downhill. I do not accept this. I believe that Jesus shed His blood to give me more than this. I do not want to exist. I want to truly live. Show me Holy Spirit what is that in my life that’s preventing the freedom from manifesting. I have reached out to everyone I was at odds with to make things right, I have repented of everything I could think of, if there is anything else in my heart please show me. Your word is saying James 5:13
“Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray” , also “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” ‭Luke‬ ‭18‬:‭1‬ , please help me not despair, help me not give up until I see your deliverance. Thank you that You hear me and your answer is on the way. I will praise you and tell others of what you’ve done in my life. Amen

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