Coming surgery

by Laura ()

Since Oct.2019, I have had a lot of health issues. Gall Bladder & 1/3 of colon removed (colon cancer). Then in 2020 surgery for massive hernia, 2 stent procedures, lymphedema (legs, body stay extremely swollen), panic attacks etc. That only mention some not all. It’s truly overwhelming. Then my favorite brother in law in ICU for 8 months; passed away yesterday. And then Covid19! I’m alone so I must do everything. Shopping, cleaning, even dressing myself is hard to do. But in April I’m facing a major, major surgery. 7 days in hospital and up to 9 months to recover. I’m so afraid of the surgery and the pain afterwards. Doctor said it’s one of the most painful surgeries to have. They are reconstructing my entire abdomen. Also, although Jesus does provide well for me; I’m not homeless, I have food & clothes and a car to get to my doctors etc. I am truly grateful for what Jesus provides but I am alone; very few people in my life and every day is a true struggle. I have no energy and sleep a lot too. Basically I feel that the Lord isn’t hearing me and I feel like I’m out of prayers. It’s also hard for me to pray! The words just don’t come. Please help me with words to pray. I keep asking the Holy Spirit to help me but honestly I don’t feel the Holy Spirit any more and I don’t seem to want to go to church or see services online anymore. I’m scared cause I’m elderly with a lot of health issues and I do want to go to Heaven when I die but the way things are going, I don’t know if I will. I love God with all my heart and I know Jesus is my Saviour but is that enough? Also I have a hard time reading the Bible; I don’t understand it. Please pray for me. Thank you and God bless you.

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