Cleanse my heart, body, mind and surroundings

by Marisa ()

Heavenly Father
Thank you for another day! Thank you for every single breath I take for granted. Thank you for every second/minute/hour/days/years to be alive! Lord I have hope your purpose for me isn’t finished yet and Lord I want to serve you! I’m asking for hope and strength to cleanse my entire being of anything that doesn’t serve you Almighty God. I’m asking for your protection from evil, sin, and temptation that doesn’t serve the gospel. Lord take away my doubts and fill me with faith and your will. I have been living in sin and the devil is trying hard to put me in the dark. But Heavenly Father your light shines bright and I will always be a child of God! Lord I bring to you my struggles and worry’s because I realized they’re not my battle to fight alone. Lord give me peace and protect all walks of life in these hard times. My husband and two young boys are counting on me and I don’t have the strength alone to fight. Lord hear my prayer I repent to you and Jesus Christ my savior! My financial hardship are temporary all materialistic things are temporary but to live in eternity in your kingdom IS eternity. Thank you for my hardships for they brought me closer to you and they have shown me that with Christ anything is possible! Heal me Almighty God and cleanse my home, my relationships, family, And all of humanity with your love.
In Jesus name Amen!

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