Childhood sexual abuse

by Andrea ()

My boyfriend has unresolved trauma from childhood. Sexual abuse happened as a young boy. He’s never shared with anyone. God has given me warning dreams of him being fully back into addiction to drugs and alcohol. Currently he’s 60k in debt from poor decisions financially and addiction is strong with gambling (sports/stock market) and phone too. Also lust of the eyes with women and worldly things too. Please pray against the spiritual spouse that continues to show up in his dreams regardless of prayer/fasting he’s done. He’s ran far away from God and is isolating himself in the name of being an introvert. I’m currently fasting for him because God instructed me too. I was going to end the relationship but heard to fast and pray first. It’s just heartbreaking because he was ON FIRE for the Lord and we were doing street ministry together and seeing signs, wonders and miracles just last year at this time. I moved to CO to attend Bible college (earthy angels 😇 paid in full for my 2nd year) with my 10yr old daughter in Aug. I feel God separated us for each of us to grow individually but he seems to be angry about it. Please also pray for any patterns in romantic relationships to be healed in my heart too. During this fast I’ve been instructed to pray for my heart as well. And my sweet daughter’s, her dad isn’t in her life and never has been. This is the second relationship I’ve been in since she was born and in both relationships at the point of getting close to marriage both men starting in addiction. I grew up with my mom being addicted to so many things and eventually she died at 56 because of her addictions. My daughter feels rejected, abandoned and betrayed because of her biofather and in 2017 I got engaged to a different man. he proposed to her as well then started binge drinking after that so I left. I know the Lord has promised me a Kingdom Marriage that will support and enhance each of our calls in ministry. I know from dreams and visions about my current boyfriend and ministry we’ve done that he was the man. However, I’m not seeing it now. Hopefully all of that made sense. I appreciate your prayers!! Also, if you need prayer ministers I would love to help pray for others! 🙏🏼🙌🏼✝️💕 God bless you and may his favour be upon you! ~Andrea

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