My one closed frnd Sunndly broken our friend ship She is our parish friend name is roshal prethika Vegas please pray for that friend father she all things share with me. All times I’m also share for her. She is befor have love 5 years love after boy cheating for her. After she breakup the that relationship. Now she is very happy . When she sad I knw any times day aunty is came his house .she talking one proposal . That friend told for aunty. My mom and brother like that boy . I’m also ok . That saying. After next she sending morning message .After she is going offline. We are always talking morning half hour afternoon half hour and evening half hour only . 26 th Jan I called after noon that time aunty taking his phone I called 4 times that reason aunty shouting for her . Who is that cal is coming . After aunty take is phone and remove his sim and fixing aunty phone. That day night she is message me my aunty shouting for me she not phone using not too much aunty told me wrong. After she told today to iam not sending
Message and not cal also . Aunty staying four days for my home. . . That like sending message for me after she is blocked me very think . Whatsup snap chat and Instagram.. I’m.not think ing for bad for her sister. I’m thinking for she is for only gud friend and sister like she is also thinking something
Always I’m asking for are you finshed breakfast lunch and night dinner . Somedays befor too much feeling not we’ll . She is going for dctor and taking medicines . She came home. She not taking any medicines sister I’m only asking you take medicines or no all think I’m asking for her .. today 5 days finished no cal no message . No any I’mformation. She is closed too much for me . . When nice friend are coming for my life this like happened for my life going so sad
I’m.just waiting his message and cal only . How is she now I dnt no . . I’m.toomuch feeling sad for my mind
I dnt no father she is again taking or message for me . She is already blocked me all application for me. Please father pray her . I’m waiting for her. My mind is feeling bso sad like crying like this like feeling can’t happen for my life . Why this like feeling for me please father pray her she befor like chatting and talking with me sending me word of God for me