Breakthrough break chains stopping me from my destiny

by Wendy ()

I need a car to get to my job. As of Saturday, I will have no car as I cannot afford my rental for the weekly rate. I am praying God blesses me in my finances and peace to come to me. My daughter Catherine to get her own place and move out permantely. She is 29 years old. She has caused destruction, mental confusion, she is bi polar and abuses me mentally, torments me and drains my finances. I got her a car which but now I need one and because of her my credit is bad and I have very little money. I have sacrificed so much for her only to be left drained mentally, emotionally and physically. I cannot live with her, she is so mean to me and I cannot walk on egg shells for the rest of my life. I am 55 years old, lupus, ms and athritis. I need her to live her life and let me live mine without her controlling every area of my life. Please God breathe on my Real Estate and life insurance business that both dried up because of her moving into my house. I am a GM but want to do my Real Estate and life insurance on the side so I can get ahead. I have paid my daughters bills for 3 years since my fiance died and I am drained. I am tired and drained. Wendy

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