Breaking the enemy’s hold on my daughter

by Lina ()

Lord please help me beat if not act upon the repetitive bouts of rage and hopelessness in my daughter’s mind and soul. She confronts me in an incredible display of such dramatic attack of name calling and vicious accusations. She was once your servant in her younger years but fell short and abandoned u thinking u abandoned her first because she cannot find a supportive relationship. She blames me for causing her misery, for tolerating her father until his death in his abusive tendencies and can never let go. Pls speak to her soul and remind her that at her age and with her education what you gave her is something extraordinary and yet she continues to believe that she has nothing to live for and everyone around her is settled and happy. I live everyday in constant hope that your grace will cover us as u always do – because u are what matters. I submit to your grace today and always. Amen

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