Being released from addiction and removal of the desire to use

by Shawna ()

Father God,
Please forgive me for my many sins. Sins against others and sin with my body and mind. Please forgive me for the thngs that come out of my mouth. I would like to thank you for humbling me and for your mercy and grace you have given me. I do not deserve it but I know that you are a forgiving and loving God. Thank you for creating me in your image. I am ashamed of the way I have desecrated my body because you said. We are your vessel. I come before you today to ask that you remove my addiction and free me from the desire to use. Please heal the sickness in my body from all the substances i have put inside me. My Father GOD you are an awesome God and worthy to be praised. I ask for the capacity to remember so I can accomplish school work that will eventually lead me into my career goals. Thank you for my mother who has gotten frail and weak in her body from age. I ask that you give her strength to continue to do the things she loves like gardening and painting everything green. Please help me to remember to call her daily and to show her my appreciation for her unconditional love for me , my sister, our children and out children’s children. I ask for peace in my life and more positive communication with my significant other. Lord, I need help with forgiving those who have done me wrong. I forgive them and I forgive myself also. Please put a hedge of protection around associates, friends, and my loved ones
I ask for peace of mind from my enemies. You have said in your Holy Word that vengeance is yours and I give all my anger, and resentments to you because you said I can find rest in Christ Jesus. Thank you for giving your only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sins. I ask for my children to be saved and to turn their faces toward you Father God. I ask these things in your Holy name. Amen and amen.

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