Beg an answer

by Faith ()

Dear Lord – my friend from the crib is coming to town in a day. He wants to see me. I love him for being my second brother, for sticking up for me for being my protector and loving me platonically. I need to beg a forgiveness on a white lie I must tell so that I won’t hurt his feelings. Help me to find the words, the circumstances without hurting his feelings. I beg you that I do what is right, I believe that I must withdrawal from this meeting. I have not seen him in a few years and time has told on me. I am not the ebullient, fun loving, leader I used to be. I am so changed that I am ashamed to meet with him. Not only that but I will be physically unable to keep up, mentally and physically with him. Help me Lord. I know in you Lord will come the words that will allow me to let him down without hurt, or disappointment . I have faith in you Lord, I trust in you my Lord – my rock, my fortress. In future I must ask another request a serious life-threatening situation, but I cannot do that yet I am not ready. I feel your love every day and see your miracles in my life all the time. I treasure praying to you, I know that you hear me. Please let me hear You please tell me what to do. By the blood of Jesus Amen

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