Appointment to Librarian V position

by Noeme ()

Father, I thank You for giving me this great opportunity to be considered for this position. It was all because of Your grace that I was able to make it until the final interview. I know and I am aware that the interview did not go well as I intend it to be. I ask for forgiveness as I feel I was defeated by fear and anxiety and unbelief to what I can do as You have equipped me for.

As I near to end this phase, I humbly ask again for Your grace and intervention to help me in whatever I will be needing for this. You know what my heart desires, You know my fears and You know my capacity. If this is not for me, and if Your will is for me in DSWD still, please please take my heart and comfort it. Handle it Lord that I may not feel disappointment and anxiety again. Heal it Lord so I may continue to be the Librarian You would want me to be. I know Your will will be done Lord, but please heal me against the heartbreak this may cause me.

I love You Lord. And thank You for allowing me to realize that yes I can make it to the end pala. Still my heart is praying for this position. But Yes Lord, align my heart to Your plan.

I declare peace of mind and prosperity for our Church and for our family, in Jesus name, AMEN.

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