A Mother In Law

by Kristina ()

A Mother In Law who took what other men’s Mothers have done to be insulting and hurtful to me and made it ten times worse and while I have a child by him. I think my sister is having a secret relationship with my husband while they are telling me he is deceased. This is because no Mother of any man has ever respected me. I am so tired of living in the disrespect of people. I testified in court for rape it was statutory rape but it was that I did not have any intention to say yes to one guy and he allowed so many men to get by abusing and putting me down in the biggest way. I have written the wedding officiant and my nana disgusts me how big a life she lives and has no place in int for me. I am really still going to out it in the hands of the Lord for these people to let go. I have a right to a life. I have a right to a life. I had a son and it still continues. It still continues.

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