I pray for change a pray for new direction in life I pray just to do everything different to get righteous results please lord I work on myself daily I really want different results different everything so if I pray and put my mind to it please consider that for me that’s all I see at my age right now please consider that for me that’s all I see at my age right now open them doors up for me I don’t want to be a statistic or my son so please I stand for change of everything just to become a renew man at everything while I’m breathing It’s not to late so please bless me as I walk a 100 percent of change please lord I want my life to make sense I want different friends different everything so if I want that please change me in every aspect of my life as I sleep change all my habits that’s not going to push me in the direction to be a successful black man and my child please I love him enough to change everything that life brings me only to be the best so please make me the best In jesus name I pray amen 🙏
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