healed from depression and laziness

by Celeste ()

I suffer from Clinical Depression and have been since High School and I am almost 67 years old. I am on 3 meds but some days are still harder than others. My depression makes me very lazy and I have a very hard time to do my daily chores, and I have a difficult time keeping my house clean. I am a terrible housekeeper!!! Please pray that I can clean my house THIS COMING SATURDAY because my sister, Linda, is coming over to visit me on Sunday and I want her to see a CLEAN HOUSE!!!! Pray I have the energy, strenght, and motivation to wash my floors and pick up my counters and other things. I WANT to keep a clean house–I just have a hard time to. Thank you for your prayers and especially think of me THIS SATURDAY MORNING so I have the DESIRE to clean my house. God Bless you and yours. ALSO, PRAY THAT I LOSE MY LAZINESS–MY DEPRESSION MAKES ME SO, SO LAZY!!!

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