Work on me lord

by Johnnette ()

Dear lord, I come to you humble and a heavy heart an mind.for some reason I can’t get out my own way.Jesus help me with, wisdom, understanding,work on my heart so that I can love,stop my tears from falling when I’m overwhelmed when I wonder of a lost person that was taken away from me too me with abundance, miracles, prosperity in my over my family, shield them with your armor.lord when I prepared to study to take a test in September lord give me clarity to understand whatever the questions are asking me for the answer,watch over me as I lay dead at night that you send your holy angels to watch over me, I pray that this country will be no more wars and for the homeless,sick ,the flicked and the wounded.I pray for the people incarceration I pray for the people children that have cancer I pray for all the pastors the congregation the church choirs that we all turn for my wicked ways and turn to you oh Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and savior that we all become better people and become like you I almighty God I love you Lord you said you are the Alpha and the Omega and the Beginning and the End there’s no one like you and that’s only one of you there be no man before you and there be no man after you in Jesus Name Amen!!🙏❤️🙏

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