
by Mary ()

Thank for your devotional + discouraged and drained.. It has been that way for a while for me..the tears easily flow and I often think I can not do this one more time…but I do…and do again and again…but I am overwhelmed with just wanting to quit and yet I know I won’t ..I am old 93 and had 5 or more years of caretaking of husband, before he died and then unexpectedly son had heart problems and surgery and fell and now this is the second year of constant caretaking like with husband…they often are angry at the situation they are in and react in ways that are hurtful. seeming so ungrateful but they really aren’t…I understand and don’t know how I would act if it was me instead of them..praying for things to get much better soon and I can tackle the hundreds of problems repairs etc that need to be done. Grateful eternally for all that I have and those I love..for sure my needs are very few …even though my wants may be higher than a mountain. Just such a lonely walk anymore .. getting old is not golden that I can assure you. 🙂

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