Prayer for my adult sons

by Shanti ()

My older son N is separated from his wife and they’re getting a divorce. His wife has come out as bisexual. Please pray for both of them that God will guide them and comfort them through this time. Pray that my done will find a God- sent wife who wants to have children as much as he does. Pray that my son will be drawn once more to the Lord and God will soften his heart and open his eyes to see and hear HIM. I pray for my younger son A to get a job! He has applied to the federal government and, even though these job takes time, I pray he will find something there soon. I pray for his physical and mental wellness and that he will treat his body well and know that it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Both my sons were bought up in the church but now has turned away from it and this breaks my heart. Please pray that God will softer their hearts , that they will hear His voice and respond as He lovingly draws them to His heart and their salvation. Please pray for my husband H and all these court cases he has to endure because of his sister. She is very bitter and hateful and has caused so much pain in our family. Pray for a successful outcome in this court case coming up so we can move on with our lives. Bless all the lawyers and judge involved and protect us from his sisters evil plots and plans. Thank you humbly for your prayers and may God bless you.

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