
by jo anne h ()

please pray my son chris and lorie just made an offer on a house please pray everything goes good and they closes soon also pray for chris he just got another job please pray that he loves it he get 401k and benefits and insurance he was working for Sergio flipping house and Sergio did him real bad and he owes him money for a house pray he gets the money soon also pray Sergio wouldn’t give chris a payroll statement so i had to co sign with his wife so they could buy a house and stop renting but my other son kevin would really be mad if he knew i did it i have always helped kevin please pray also pray kevin has been at Duke for 26 years he has always MEET ECPECTATION he has a manager over him that for some reason he don;t like kevin he has only been there 7 years there was a guy been there 40 years and he didn’t meet either alot of managers didn’t meet it is not right kevin started at Duke when he was 16 years won the appreciate program for the state of north carolina he won Presidential award for duke hospital and the university and kevin gets along with everyone please pray he has caused some managers to leave but kevin loves his job please pray if scott martin can’t be a good person to his employess that they move him out it is not right it has hurt kevin so much he was suppose to get 6% and he got 3 1/2% he has 2 kids in college costing over $200000 and he has a girl in high scholl please please pray for a miracle it hurt kevin because he acts like he don’t do his job and he caused alot of other managers and supervisors money and feelings hurt please pray also pray for austyn and julianna they are step sisters and because of 2 girls whitney and page they are causing alot of trouble between them please pray for julianna and austyns relationship austyn don’t even go see her daddy because of it please pray for the family please and pray KEVIN/KELLY/LANE/LANDON/LOGAN/JULIANNA/AUSTYN GET IN CHURCH AND SERVE God with all their heart also pray for Amber she gets in church and that she stops acting like she is better than anyone please pray please also pray for me to be happy my son chris wants me to sell my house and move in to his garage appt because where i live it is so mean had 7 shootings last night pray if it is Gods will i will sell i want to reite i am 69 years old but my husband was murdered 20 years ago and i had to refinance my house and i took care of my mother for 19 years and got in credit card debt my daddy died 3 months before my husband was murdered s i took care of my mother and she passed away 3 years ago from cancer please pray please

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