
by Gloria ()

I’m 61 years old and I have been scammed out of my saving. I dont know why I was involved in these scams and why I kept thinking I was winning money. Then one day my money was all gone. Now I live on a small pension check and now I realized how wasteful I was. Now I have to learn to budget my money. The lord has always blessed me with a saving account and I just threw it away. I’m a Christian and greed got the best of me.

It’s hard now. Please pray for my money to be returned and for God give me a financial blessing. I really need you prayers I feel very depressed, I don’t want to do nothing or go anywhere and I feel very embarrassed. Non of my friends or family know about these incidents, I can’t tell them because of my embarrassment and I feel very ashamed of myself.
Thank you for your prayers.

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