In Other Words – Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019

I have a wall hanging in my office that says FAITH. I had fixed it to a wall with an adhesive. But tonight when I came up to my office, I noticed the two strips of adhesive were still on the wall, but FAITH had fallen off the wall and lay behind my desk. In other words, my FAITH had fallen. I chuckled before it occurred to me that for many people their faith may fall.

Many things in this world can cause our faith to waver: personal tragedy, unsettling news reports or, maybe, a prayer that we think has gone unanswered. Whatever dislodges faith from our hearts must be rooted out by God in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Faith means we have confidence in Jesus Christ’s saving work on the cross and His ongoing work in the world through the Holy Spirit. When our faith fails, we have lost confidence in Christ. Getting faith back requires time in Scripture and a study of the cross, so we can remember the almighty power of God, who raised Jesus from death to everlasting life.

Our faith can rest assured in Christ’s victory over sin and death and in the knowledge that Jesus prays for our faith to remain strong. In Luke 22:32 Jesus said to Simon Peter, “But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail.” Christ is praying that we will not lose confidence in Him.

Denise Larson Cooper has a passion for Christ and sharing His Word. A wife and mother of two daughters, Denise currently works as a gymnastic coach.

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Check Out Denise’s Books!

Godnesia: Keeping God in Mind Each Day

Ordinary Days With an Extraordinary Savior – Is a Metaphor: Recognizing God in the Everyday –

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