Health and Family

by Tresila ()

Dear Father God, I come to you asking for you to please not let this place that was biopsied under my right eye not be cancer and require no further surgery. God please let it heal well. God, please don’t let the mass between my Dad’s liver and stomach be cancer, help him to have a full recovery from his Prostate Cancer surgery that he had in January. Keep Mom strong and well. Please help my husband to adjust to his new insulins and not have anymore critical lows. Please help all of us to be well and healthy and able to attend my 20 year old daughter’s College Graduation and let all go well with that. God, please lead and guide her to a good, full time job in her career field here locally with a good Christian boss and Coworkers. Please help my brother to make the right decision regarding changing job positions. God, I ask that you hear my prayers, in thy Most Holy Name, Amen

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