Feeling lonely and broken-hearted

by Prayers Admin ()

I am feeling really lonely, and I have a few reasons why. I am in Middle School, and we all know that this time can be tough, but I still feel lonely and broken inside. I have a couple friends, but even they don’t really seem like the ideal good friends’ people might want. They always ignore me and don’t talk to me. I don’t even think they really like me. I try to include myself in their conversations, or just anything they do. I have had friends, and even best friends, and special guys in my life, but they always leave me. Every time. Last year, close to this time, I sent out a prayer request saying similar things, about how I felt lonely and that I was feeling depressed, and a few days later I got an Email from a person, and they prayed for me. In May of last year, my family got a dog, and I felt that it was my prayers being answered because when we got him, I didn’t feel so lonely anymore. Then in June of last year I went to a Church camp and got saved there. I am doing so much better, but recently I’ve been feeling really down, sad, and just lonely. I never want to do anything; I stay in my Pajamas all the time. I try to pick myself up, but it feels like the weight is a million pounds. I have cried so much, and prayed so much, just begging for God to send someone in my life, but I’m not seeing anything. I would really love your help, and it would mean so much to me. I thank you for reading this, and hopefully you can respond soon. God bless you.

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