
by CONNIE ()

Heavenly Father in Jesus name I pray.
Dear heavenly Father. Give me peace when it comes to Jerry. I get lost sometimes in the middle of the whole biological father situation that Ancestry has uncovered. I can’t believe it. I feel so many feelings and I don’t know what to do. Should I let the whole thing go? I think it’s too late. Nobody understands and nobody will ever be able to help me like You can. I’m asking for Your divine help and intervention into my heart and into my life when it comes to Jerry. I don’t want to think about him all the time but I do. I want to ask my mom about him but I can’t. If I could I wouldn’t know how. I don’t want to throw her off balance. I don’t want to ruin my daughter’s life or my step father’s life. I want to be whole. I’m just asking for you to help me to be whole. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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