Bring sons back

by Dave ()

I need prayers to ask God to bring back my two sons into a relationship with me. I don’t know the reason, but my oldest son stopped having anything to do with me and I’ve had no type of communication or even seen him in 15 years although he works eight blocks from my home. The same with my youngest son since his marriage five years ago. Their mother and I divorced 20 years ago. They blocked me from their phones and no way to reach them other than the many letters I’ve written to ask to talk to find why they have turned against me. But, I get nothing in return. They both spend all holidays with their Mother and are all a family, but I’m treated as though I don’t exist. I have PTSD from combat and I know they are ashamed that I sometimes am really anxious in crowds and it shows. I live on disability only and their Mom is very wealthy from three major inheritances worth millions of dollars. I do know she speaks illy of me to them which is her prerogative. She is full of hate for many ppl and holds grudges forever. Unfortunately, she is not a believer in Christ and than has filtered to my sons who are 42 and 40. Please pray for my broken heart.

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