A Prayer for my friend and her mother who has terminal cancer

Please help me pray for my friend and her mother who has terminal cancer. Please God I pray that the treatment will slow down the cancer and B’s mum will be able to live for as long as is possible. I pray that the treatment will not make her too sick, and that she is able to carry on life as normally as possible.

Dear God I pray for B and her family. Please give them the strength to deal with whatever the outcome of this illness will be, and help this unite them as a family rather than break them apart. Please watch over them – they need your love and guidance.
I pray in particular for B. Please look after B, God, and give her strength to look after her mum and family. Please let her not lose hold of her dreams because of this event.
Finally God, please guide me as to best help B. Show me what I can do to help her deal with this awful event.
Bless B and her family,
in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit,