will i ever be whole

by Sheila ()

Hello crossroads thank you for all that you do I would just like to ask you to stand in agreement in prayer for pain just so many people in pain people in my life personally are so much physical and mental pain I just want it to go away and I want to ask if you could just lift me up in prayer for healing I have five back surgeries and I’m still broken and strained relationships with my daughters I have nothing my grandchildren in 5 years it hurts to breathe we were so close and she is took them away from me that was the best job I ever had was being a grandma I never done a lot of good things but I was great at that I miss them so much my heart is torn into some days I’m inconsolable I don’t understand but thank you for reading and listening I have Great depression I guess I’m just trying but I struggle with so much like you’re giving myself is so hard I’m 56 years old the sins that I did when I was young they just still hunts me and I’ve been serving and walking with God and I just knew that I was saved I love the Lord I just can’t go on with no more words thank you I love you guys

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