Waiting on God

by Deirdre ()

Lord thank you for Your grace towards me. Always providing for me. Thank you Lord for our health our blessings and for all that You do. You are an Awesome God, You are our provider and You are more than enough for me. Your Grace is more than sufficient. Lord as we face a new week I ask for Your guidance and wisdom. We don’t know what this week has in store for each one of us but our lives is in Your hands. Please protect my husband my children my extended family and friends. Protect each and everyone on this platform and their families. Open new doors that needs to be open and shut the ones that needs to be closed. We know that You have a future of prosperity prosperity for each one of us and today Lord as I lay my request before Your throne give me the faith to believe that You will intercede in Jesus name. Lord as we wait for feedback from a job application that my husband applied for help us to have faith that You will come through for us. Help my kids in their studies. Give them the knowledge, wisdom and understanding in Jesus wonderful name we pray. Give me patience to wait on You and help me to let go and let God. I thank you for all that You’ve done and for all that You are still going to do. Thank you Father God for answe

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