The Strength to Stand.

by Thomas ()

As a prodigal son, I have been called back into the Lord’s service to carry on the Great commission.
He has recently shown to me the fruits of my labor, which I never expected. At 62 years old, after countless souls witness to, I have finally led someone to the Lord.
The conversion of this girl has led me to praise God so much. I have often doubted that he has had his hand on me, but not anymore. With this new found mission I have, I am bound to discipleship now, and he has rekindled the fire inside to reach the Lost, so I reach out to all my brethren to give me the STRENGTH to carry on, persevere, and endure this race. You know the Prince of darkness is trying everything in his power to stop me, but he cannot and will not win, because it is finished, the battle is over, and we know who won. Thanks be to our Lord and savior. Pray that I keep this scripture in my heart, that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. My greatest hope is to stand in front of Christ someday and hear him say those immortal words: Well done, my good and faithful son, enter into the joy of your Lord.

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