The Creation of the Thompson Family Homestead Inc.

by Kayla ()

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before you today, seeking guidance and wisdom. I stand on the brink of a new venture, a bold undertaking known as the Thompson Family Homestead Inc. This initiative, Lord, resonates with my heart’s deepest yearnings to heal the Earth, to foster communities, and to share the abundance of Your creation in a way that honors You and all life.

This path seems daunting, Father, and at times the road ahead seems obscured by uncertainty. Is this the path You’ve laid for me? Is this my true calling? Your Word tells us in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” So, I submit this question to You, Lord. Please reveal Your will to me.

I pray for Your divine guidance, for Your wisdom to navigate this path. If Thompson Family Homestead Inc. is the calling You have for me, please strengthen my resolve, embolden my spirit, and equip me with all the necessary resources, wisdom, and understanding.

May this venture become a testament to Your provision and grace, a beacon of hope for those facing the challenges of our changing world. May it serve as a conduit of Your love, providing sustenance, employment, and a sense of belonging for those who need it most.

Lord, I pray that the Shalom, the peace and completeness found only in You, would be at the core of this endeavor. May this peace, this Shalom, permeate every corner of this initiative, guiding our actions, influencing our decisions, and nurturing a spirit of unity, respect, and love among all those involved.

God, I also ask for the courage to act, the endurance to persevere through challenges, and the humility to keep learning and growing. Keep my heart steadfast, Lord, fix my eyes on You, and guide my every step.

Above all, I pray that whatever unfolds, Your name be glorified. May this journey, with all its triumphs and trials, be a testament to Your faithfulness.

In faith, I place the Thompson Family Homestead Inc. into Your hands, trusting in Your plan, Your timing, and Your will. Thank You for hearing my prayer, Lord. I pray all these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


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