
by Melek ()

Hello Rebbe,
I desire deliverance from evil grids: something was installed via a phone call to my mother in law
(more like a tracking device: I have noted massive amounts of nocturnal spiritual violence, internal
digestive system bleeding, and ether psychotropic drug poisoning (via S&G: Bereshis 19:11: my
system is constantly resetting). I’ve missed work 5days now.. (Melachim Bais 7)…Aid me, I’ve noted
applications of the Qaballah (Divrey Hayamim Alef 4:9-10)… Intercede this turns out for good of me
& my household’s (Bereshis 50:20; 26:13)… The Lord Adonai Hashem has restrained me from doing
self-deliverance (renunciation prayers), but seek Ekklesia’s Advocacy.. Install these Hosts (Shofetim
5:20; Gevurot 13:3-13; Tehillim 78:47-48) about my Bio-Electical Resonance Frequency Signature
Sphere: Brain Radius 5Feet and Heart & Toes Radius 8Feet & fiercely guard my Presence during
Communion, Residence, Assets, AllComm Devices, Sleep & The Logos Study Time with (Shmuel Bais
22:15; Tehillim 7:15-17; Tehillim 9:15-10; Tehillim 10:2&14; Tehillim 105:15; Tehillim 146:5; Tehillim
18:14). Incorporate these edicts: Read them over me, my substance & fullness thereof: Shemot 12:3-
6,21; Yaakov 5:13,15,16; Kehillah in Corinth I 5:7, Hisgalus 21&22, Shemot 20:20 & Yechezkel 28:3-
5&11-14 & Divrey Hayamim Bais 20; Malachi 3:9-12)… Above all, Let Hashem’s Covenant of Mercy
Prevail HEREIN…. [(For Hashem Eloheicha is a consuming eish, even an El Kannah. Devarim 4:24; And
therefore will Hashem wait, that He may be gracious unto you, and therefore will He be exalted, that
He may have rachamim upon you; for Hashem is Elohei Mishpat; Ashrei are all they that wait for
Him. Yeshayah 30:18)]…Ameena, Ameena..
(Uphold me for 3weeks straight; I’ve learnt with my journey with heaven, Deliverance/Salvation is a
Journey NOT An Event: And Hashem Eloheicha will put out those Goyim before thee m’at m’at (little by
little); thou mayest not consume them at once, lest the beasts of the sadeh increase upon thee. Devarim
7:22 – Post/Paint this on the Earth’s Firmament & The Depth of the Sea that I may be Preserved & Hidden)

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